Advanced Pistol

Become More Confident in Your
Self-Defense Pistol Skills
Do you have a Concealed Carry Permit, but desire to be more confident and effective with your gun? Then consider our Pistol Self Defense 1 course. You will learn valuable self-defense techniques, allowing you to be more effective and accurate when
shooting and drawing from your holster.
This 5-hour class consists of 3 hours of range time, focusing specifically on your stance, grip, draw, as well as pinpoint accuracy. You will leave this class with a heightened sense of confidence and skill, being better prepared to use your gun against a deadly threat.
Lunch will be provided.
Topics Covered:
- Marksmanship fundamentals and the mindset to effectively handle violent encounters
- Holster skills within the context of self defense
- Pinpoint Accuracy (sight picture and trigger press)
- Deep insights into effective stance, grip, and draw techniques
Equipment Required:
- FOID (IL residents only) / Driver’s License or State ID
- Semi-auto pistol (mid or full-size strongly recommended) NO revolvers
- 2-3 magazines (NOTE: 1 magazine will be dropped often during magazine change exercises)
- Holster (OWB preferred, but IWB hip allowed if safe – no closed-topped holsters (no ‘Sneaky Pete’))
- Magazine pouch (recommended but not required)
- Ammunition 150rnds (Factory loads only – NO reloads)
- Eye protection (Prescription glasses still require additional eye protection)
- Ear protection (Electronic muffs suggested to better hear commands
- Water, lunch and snacks – Recommended (working lunch)
Dress Code:
- Comfortable clothing (indoor range)
- Brimmed hat and closed-neck shirt (to prevent hot brass from going down shirt and beyond glasses)
- Sturdy long pants or shorts with BELT LOOPS / Sturdy belt / Closed-toed shoes