Glock Blue Lable Program
Available for First Responders
The Blue Label Program is exclusively available to those who meet the eligibility criteria and possess an approved purchaser ID.
Eligible participants may purchase 2 weapons per year, but it is crucial that they provide appropriate documentation to verify their eligibility. If the department does not issue a photo ID, a letter on company letterhead signed by a chief or supervisor can be used along with a picture ID of the purchaser.
The following People are Eligible
Sworn Law enforcement officers with powers of arrest, including Federal, State, County, & City.
Military personnel, including reservists and National Guard
Correction Officers, including parole and probation officers
Nationally recognized security companies
Active Duty Firefighters and volunteer firefighters with current active duty department credentials.
Active EMT’s or Tactical EMT’s & Paramedics employed by fire departments
Honorably Discharged Veterans with DD214 or NGB-22
Private investigators are not approved.
It’s important to note that certifications alone do not qualify for the Blue Label Program. Other specific criteria must also be met.
GSSF coupon recipients should contact GSSF
Photos of eligible firearms coming soon.