As most of you know, Governor JB Pritzker passed the Protect Illinois Communities Act, a comprehensive legislation aimed at reducing gun violence, which went into effect on January 10, 2023.

What Has Been Affected By this Legislation?

This act has significantly impacted our rights as it effectively banned the sale of assault weapons, including the AR-15 rifle and high-capacity magazines that can hold more than ten rounds, as well as handguns with a 15-round capacity.

This ban has not only infringed on our rights to own specific firearms and magazines, but it also poses a potential threat to our safety and security. It didn’t stop there.

This law also required individuals who previously owned these firearms to register them with the state police by January 1, 2024.

On July 2, the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case on the Illinois Firearm Ban. Unfortunately for all law-abiding firearm owners in Illinois, this means the gun ban stays in place, further infringing on our rights.

However, this does not mean the fight is over. Your continued support and action to challenge this ban are not just important; they are crucial. You are an integral part of this fight.

What Is Happening Next?

The next hearing, scheduled for September 16, 2024, with US District Judge Stephen McGlynn, is of utmost importance. It could be a turning point in our fight for our Second Amendment rights.

Last year, McGlynn briefly blocked enforcement of Illinois’ assault weapons ban. In doing so, he said the law restricted the right to defend oneself and, in some cases, “completely obliterated that right.”

With that being said, the legal firearm owners of Illinois can hope to see Judge McGlynn follow through with his thoughts on the Gun Ban lacking constitutionality and rule in favor of all legal firearm owners, stating yet again that this gun ban infringes upon all second amendment rights and set things in motion for reversal of the ban.

If all goes as expected in the Southern Court on September 16, the Gun Ban will be pushed back to the Northern District Court to be heard by all seven northern district judges.

If you remember, the first time, Southern District Judge McGlynn listened to the ban and decided to temporarily put a stay on it. It was then moved to the Northern District Court, where it was heard by only three of the seven judges. One ruled against the ban, one ruled for the ban, and one was borderline but ruled for the ban. This time around, it will have to be heard by all seven judges.

We can hope that the Northern District Court Judges will strike down the ban, ending it there and restoring all Illinois firearm owners’ Second Amendment rights.

Or they could rule in favor of the ban and move the hearing to the Federal Supreme Court, where it would likely not be heard in court until sometime in 2025.

What Can You Do?

The best thing you can do is stay up to date, make sure you are aware of the ever-changing laws, and continue to stay on the legal side of firearm ownership. If you would like to and/or have the ability to do more, please consider donating to the NRA or NSSF as they continue to fight for our rights as law-abiding firearm owners.


Illinois Supreme Court upholds state’s ban on semiautomatic weapons – laacib.

GUN SHOW? Simple tweaks get AR-15 around NY ‘cosmetic’ ban – eProbe.


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