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Will The Illinois Courts Protect Your Right to Bear Arms

Will The Illinois Courts Protect Your Right to Bear Arms

  As most of you know, Governor JB Pritzker passed the Protect Illinois Communities Act, a comprehensive legislation aimed at reducing gun violence, which went into effect on January 10, 2023. What Has Been Affected By this Legislation? This act has significantly...

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Choosing the Right Deer Hunting Gun: Felt Recoil Matters

Choosing the Right Deer Hunting Gun: Felt Recoil Matters

When comparing firearms for deer hunting, it's important to consider the felt recoil of each choice. What is felt recoil? How does it affect the hunting experience? And how do different hunting guns compare when it comes to felt recoil? We will discuss these details...

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What Is Use of Force Simulator Training?

​What Is Use of Force Simulator Training? Training that can help you remain safe and hopefully out of prison As a concealed carry holder, it is critical to know HOW to shoot.It is even more important to know WHEN to shoot.   What is the purpose of civilian 'Personal...

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1,000 Yard Long Range Scopes

1,000 Yard Long Range Scopes

In this article, we will be discussing scopes with long-range capabilities specifically for 1000 yards. We will show you what you need to be looking for when purchasing a high-powered scope as well as giving our review of four different long-range hunting-type scopes....

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Forreston, IL 61030

(815) 938-3006


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