Renewal of Illinois Conceal Carry Class

Do Not Carry an Expired License
If you currently have an Illinois concealed carry permit that will be expiring soon this class is for you. The renewal class is a three hour class that you will need to take and qualify in before you are allowed to renew your current license.
We recommend that you use a concealed carry type of firearm and that you practice at 5, 7 and 10 yards with the firearm you will be using in class. Firearm must be a semi-auto or double action.
Please bring eye and ear protection, a brimmed hat, closed toe shoes, your firearm, minimum of 30 rounds of ammo, and a holster or purse to draw from for qualification. Bring your firearm UNLOADED & in the case. DO NOT bring your firearm in the holster. Must have a current conceal carry license.
Additional Info
Age Requirements: 21
Instructor: Anthony, Michael, Tom
Class Fee: $75
Time: 9:00- 12:00
Upcoming Dates:
January: 26th
February: 4th or 23rd
March: 4th or 23rd
April: 8th or 27th
May: 6th or 18th