Women on Target

From Beginners to Intermediate
Learn NRA safety rules; how to load & unload a firearm, eye dominance & the fundamentals of marksmanship & pistol shooting. This class is for WOMEN only and is a total of three hours long. It includes classroom, and range time. The cost includes use of a firearm, ammo, and protective gear. All participants will receive a Woman on Target tote bag, ear plugs, new shooters guide, and a certificate of attendance.
Additional Info
Age Requirements: 21
Instructor: Tom Quello
Class Fee: $75
Time: 9:30 am -12:30 pm
Upcoming Dates: Feb. 15th
“I took the Women’s on Target class with almost no experience shooting a gun. Tom was very thorough explaining each part of the gun, different kinds of guns and most importantly, safety when using a gun. I learned a lot in the class and also enjoyed shooting at the range. I am very glad I took the class.”